Durham Ct has three cemeteries

Sharon is the newest leader-quality ghost worker and I’d asked her to set up the next ghost job, and she did good, setting us up with three cemeteries in Durham. We also had one more ghost trip afterwards, to have a conversation with a friendly ghost at the Transilvania Restaurant in East Haven.

First up, the cemetery on Old Cemetery Lane. Present were Priscilla and Jade, Michelle, Sharon and myself. We soon each felt a barrier a little distance inside, and passed through it. I paused to get a better read on the barrier but nothing else accompanied it (see later when I figured it out). We scattered but I did put more effort into tracking how Sharon was doing.

I worked individual ghosts, finding them by touching headstones and feeling a presence below. Ran the healing colors then talked, but this time Guides jumped in and took over quicker, which was the pattern from then on. Back to the usual routine, sending healing colors to the entire cemetery, reaching, I expected, the rest, those not already moved on by the other ghost-workers here.

But I was wrong. There had been another barrier, a more painful one, but no more information on that. So now was the time to figure out why there were two barriers (and an easy cemetery). I got the message that there were many ghosts still hiding, and they in a group effort had produced two hiding barriers, which is why I hadn’t picked up more information! Now using Heaven’s Light I could see a darkness here, and rather than work to remove it, I chose to overwhelm it with Heaven’s Light. Now the colors healed everyone, no judgement, not working to find out why these ghosts wanted to hide. A bunch of Guides now joined us to talk with those ghosts, that worked for me, they could keep their privacy.

Bonus, a small farm adjacent had chickens and a donkey and goat, so I got to stroke them, didn’t have anything to feed them.

Next, a very neat and tidy cemetery behind the Town Hall. Not much activity here, a nice place. Did find one ghost who was awake but not ready to ascend, when I tried to pull her up, she only popped her head above ground! I was grateful that a Guide intervened, sitting on the ground facing her. The ghost girl recognized the Guide and the two chatted, and I moved on to do my usual color healing the entire cemetery and the few needing it were met with Guides without me having to ask.

We’d spent more time than we’d planned as we had to get to the restaurant by 4ish. So we skipped the third cemetery and headed to East Haven. The rest of the group had been concerned that I would force the ghost there to move on. I’d been told the ghost interacts with the owner, they have a good relationship and the business does not try to benefit from having a ghost present. I’d agreed not to try. The ghost interacted with everyone else in the group, but ‘checking me out.’ No pressure. Excellent food and atmosphere. Michelle commented that she thought this ghost had been a healer, I eventually extended my energy field to find this ghost and felt sadness, we could ‘talk’ about that, healer to healer, a good overlap of feelings, we were good, she gave me a hug. Everyone else had commented how she likes to touch and hug.

Here’s Michelle’s notes:

Today’s adventure consisted of two cemeteries in Durham, CT. The first one, on Old Cemetery Rd, was more active than the second, Durham cemetery (behind the town hall). Sharon and I had been to both of these cemeteries many years ago, and felt activity in both. This time, we felt several more spirits that needed moving on at the first. Among them, a young man who had a head injury that made Michelle’s ears hurt and Sharon felt him grabbing her arm. We were able to heal him energetically and move him on. Another was a young girl who needed direction, as she felt lost. We also found a skeleton head (of a coyote?), a crow (or raven) head, and several crow feathers throughout. Then we found some animal friends at nearby farm that greeted us. The donkey seemed to be protecting the goats. 🙂

The second cemetery was much more peaceful than the first visit years prior, however Michelle did find a woman in turmoil who gave her a hard time moving on, as she was in need of emotional healing. There were also several beautiful trees in the second cemetery that were happy to be seen and acknowledged. We ended the trip with a visit to Transilvania Restaurant in East Haven. I highly recommend it! A wonderful day of spooky fun 🙂

Thank you Sharon for setting up this event.