My Name is Paul Rice, and this is my story.
I have taken the scenic route to working with Ghosts, exploring a variety of energy work and medical training, until finding a “ghost hunting” group, which didn’t hunt, we treated the ghosts with respect and came to the resolution to leave no ghost behind.
As a teenager I read palms, and was surprisingly good at it, and in my mid-20’s found out why, during a reading I FELT what the client was experiencing, that of grief at the recent loss of his grandfather. This was not in any of the books, and, pre-internet, I was on my own to explore and develop this skill.
I took courses, read books, practiced and my clients taught me, learning from each challenging palm, to feel ‘time’, to ’embed’ a message that arrived just prior to some difficult event, warning them to be careful or to ‘stop’, and so avoiding a catastrophe.
I worked as a paramedic, became a medical massage therapist, ‘felt’ the client’s issues internally as my hands felt their tight tissues, guiding me to release them.
I developed techniques to quiet my mind, it’s often quite empty, allowing me to listen more effectively, to clear my mind of upsets, limited beliefs that interfere with awareness, clearing my body of tightness and the emotional linkages, so that I can more easily sense the issues of the client as the sensations are redirected inside me.
The ghosts taught me. They would ask me to heal them and stumbling through, managed to do that, learning and improving, practicing. Learning techniques from other ghost workers, adjusting the methods to make them my own.
I feel ghosts. I can extend my energetic field to encompass them, reaching into every nook and cranny of a house where I may not be able to fit my body, I experience what they are going through and together we work through their issues, without judgement, with gentleness and compassion, peeling away their human frailties to reveal their soul, releasing them from all ‘baggage’, and either calling on their Guides or taking them ‘up there’ to hand them over to go all the way home.
At times I work with some talented people, calling them in when needed.
Michael McFall
Michael comes from a family of “sensitives”. He has been involved with investigating on and off since 2006. His goal in investigating is to help those that are stuck here to move on to where their soul group is waiting for them, so that they may continue on their spiritual path and ease any pain they may have. His dream is to help as many that are stuck find their way home.
Priscilla L.
Hi. I am Priscilla. I have worked in health care for over 30 years and love helping people. I consider my ghost/energy work an extension of that. I am the 7th child of a 7th child, some believe this makes me more intuitive. The more ghost work I do – the more I believe this too. I grew up in a home that was haunted. We heard the crying of a child, saw apparitions, things used every day would disappear for months at a time. Our family dog would cry at the bottom of the attic stairs if one of us went up in there. She would refuse to go up there. Locked doors would unlock and open on their own, as we watched. We even had an experience of a family friend channeling the benevolent spirit who told us the history of our house. My mom wrote to Ed and Lorraine Warren and they wanted to investigate but my father was too hesitant.
I have experienced premonitions. I sense things through touch and feel emotions that linger. I hope that the ghost work I do brings peace to the current home owners but also healing to those whose spirits linger behind, freeing them to move on. I have done readings remotely through messenger. I am still learning the extent of my abilities and hope to increase my intuitive powers to help heal even more. Much love and light.
Michelle and Sharon attended the second Ghost Worker training and are the first two to demonstrate competence at the skills required. Both are apprenticing with us until completing 10 calls.
Michelle is a holistic psychotherapist (LPC) with her own mental health counseling practice. One of her specialties is to help individuals who come to her in the beginning stages of their spiritual awakening. Michelle also works with other spiritual people, such as witches and mediums, to shine their light. Michelle is also a Reiki master, an intuitive, a psychic medium and a certified ghost worker who is becoming trained to lead her own ghost work calls. Michelle adds her clairvoyant and clairsentient skills to the ghost calls, and will at times use her therapy skills to assist the ghost in their journey towards the light. Please visit her website at www.counselingservicesct.com
Sharon McKernan
Sharon is a Reiki master/teacher (RMT) and a reflexologist who owns Guided Healing LLC. Sharon loves using her intuitive gifts to help others heal, and to see their full potential. Sharon has the gift of clairsentience and clairvoyance, and has been interested in the spirit world all her life. Sharon adds empathy and compassion to the ghost calls, and is able to reason with angry spirits in a calm and grounding way. Sharon is also becoming trained to perform her own ghost calls independently. Please find her on Facebook under “Guided Healing”.