Naked ghost work

Relax. It’s not what you think. It wasn’t a ghost, it was an alien. Yes we work with other entities than ghosts. Oh … the naked part? Let me explain. Irene is learning how to give massages and I’m teaching her. As well as teaching her ghost work. She was practicing her massage skills, and I was completely covered under the sheets, nothing inappropriate happening.

When suddenly she asks if I heard something going bump out in the corridor, I didn’t, and then she tells me there’s something out there, and describes it, as a combination of octopus and elephant and making some weird breathing sounds. She’s upset that something entered my house, because I’d said there were good shields around it.

So, what to do? It was a really nice massage. She wasn’t going out into the corridor first. Do I need to act fast? I can feel something out there, not a ghost. It was well-behaved, in that it was waiting outside. I’ve dealt with this before, all the signs of some alien entity wanting to go home and knows I can take them there. Why now? My guess is it saw me at the event I just left, a Halloween scarecrow event on a Main St. I’d rushed back home in time to start the massage.

So I reassured Irene, who wasn’t happy but trusted my judgement, and she finished the massage, didn’t cut it short. She wanted to know how it arrived here. Probably through a portal, maybe it couldn’t go back that way? Yeah I had to get dressed while she faced away, keeping it all appropriate. And I went outside.

I felt it, it didn’t attack, not that I expected it to, I didn’t include Irene as we haven’t handled this in Ghost class. It felt as she described, didn’t have to englobe it, and used one of my techniques to take it home. No, I’m not describing the technique, so much could go wrong if an untrained, insensitive person tries this. The entity was happy, the corridor space now clear. Irene was relieved, and got an introduction into more ghost work.