Tala put us in contact with this person, the chief complaint was that she’d been touched on her back when no-one was there, also she didn’t feel comfortable in her own house, so it was urgent.
Since it was going to be just Tala and myself, I asked if I could bring a trainee, and that was ok, so I invited Mary-Ellen. New rules for ghost class, once you’ve taken the protection class you were eligible to come along on ghost work, it used to be that you had to take the whole class, but that became silly when we were willing to take members of the public if they had taken the protection class.
However, it was just Mary-Ellen and I as Tala had an emergency. So we introduced ourselves, found out what was going on, and first checked the client’s aura to see if she’d been damaged by the attack. There was something on her back, level with her upper heart and at the throat level chakra/aura layer, to the right of her spine. So this attack had been recent, and hadn’t penetrated all the way in.
However, her aura layer was really wide spread there, and it was messed up … something wasn’t right. It turned out I was now overlapping the space where a ghost was standing! Mary-Ellen was very useful here as she was able to add to and confirm what I was sensing, an older male, taller and physically bigger than me, Saturnian persona, very sad, carrying the world on his shoulders still. We talked with him, overlapping energy fields to make better connections and understandings, working through his issues, until we got him to realize now he could get his reward for all the work he’d done. He saw the light, a sunbeam coming down to him, his idea of how Heaven would connect to him, and he entered the light and was gone.
We returned to the client, much better. Still to do, the attack on her back. I briefed her on what I was about to do, placed my hand in her damaged aura and time-lined back to the attack, grabbing the attacker. Such anger, rage and frustration, Mary-Ellen again giving more feedback as to his state. I redirected his anger directly to me, and transformed / sent it to ground. Until he vented enough that we could talk. He was still attached to being in charge, owning this house, which the client had recently moved into, and having power. Sorry, you can’t take it with you. Some more conversation and then it got weird (I’m a ghost-worker and it got weird?), sorry, unusual. The ghost cried. Holding onto a male who’s crying, haven’t done that before. He was letting go, so I just stayed with him until he was ready to talk some more. I talked about the benefits, like meeting his buddies who had left before him. He liked that, so I took him up to the edge of Heaven and his buddies were there, waiting. And he stepped into Heaven to catch up with his pals.
The client didn’t need anything else, so I told her I’d come back if we missed anything, and called it an early night.
I wasn’t surprised to be called back, we’d spent so little time there, but the client had said that was all that needed done. Again Tala and I couldn’t coordinate our schedules so I went alone. There was something new, the client’s boyfriend had been touched while sitting on the sofa.
I was going to do a check of every room this time. Sure enough there was stuck energy all over the place, and hiding inside, animated energies. The clients had not lived there long, so all this stuff was from the previous owners. In one corner of the living room, feeling dread, I reduced the energies and something small rushed away to hide elsewhere.
In the bathroom, medical issues, very common, when people are unwell, often they go to the bathroom, and wait it out. Again there was something low down, a little higher than ankle, and the current client confirmed the previous owners had feet issues based on what had been found there.
In the bedroom, that run-away entity had hidden, moved it on up, plus another, the main component was that of ‘enduring’, that fits with people with medical problems. Also, something a little odd, there was an energetic flow outwards, accompanied by a feeling of sadness, of giving, which had not been recognized or returned. Reduced that.
In the basement, Earth elemental energies. I’m not that sensitive to identify much about them, but they weren’t threatening or doing anything to cause a problem. I made a connection with the center of the Earth and left them to it.
In the garage, feelings of being afraid to face the world, of having acute medical issues while driving. Cleared those energies.
Back to that sofa, stuck energy of waiting for a flare-up, and within that, matching animated energy, and this had stroked the boyfriend’s ear. So I found that animated energy, thought about it, a whole region of ‘waiting for something bad to happen’ and wondered about working through those feelings, but really, was I going to resolve a whole region up there? Nope. So I took it up to join more of the same.
Checked their auras, ok, read the boyfriend and reported ‘stiffer’ areas where unresolved issues provide a place for any attacking entity to approach unseen and make some headway into breaching all the aura layers.
Then some talk about other things, if I’d missed something I’d come back. Again.