First Blog Post

Earth Bound spirit events – some of the more memorable ones

Marlborough – the ghost? That only appeared in the corner of two rooms, one above the other…

Marlborough – the entity that raced along a Ley-Line to attack me, engulfed me, tried to feed off me …

GHPS introduction – holding hands with an EB …

The EB that was still hiding, fearing discovery, had been an escaped slave …

Manchester – the 2 yo EB in the car …

Wethersfield – the EB Doctor – call a friend …

Wethersfield – the EB who said he was Evil …

A Cemetery – the animated energy climbing up my leg …

Library – an EB asked Michael if I could heal his EB friend …

Library – the abandoned little EB girl, remote help later, messaged doing ok later again …

Maine – EB at back of and outside the shed on the ground …

Maine – EB living in the forest, came for a ride, gave us EB meat to eat …

New York City – Twin Towers 10 years later …

Westport – dead in the bedroom, twice …

Poughkeepsie – under the concert hall …

Southington – the EB grannie watching through the window …

Southington – the EB house builder who stayed, kids now teenagers …

Somewhere – moving wall, breathing room

Newington – abandoned medical facility with crazy EBs still locked in …

Middletown – the busy street corner where EBs met and influenced passers-by …

Middletown – the Ouija game that went wrong …

New Britain – the EBs entwined on the bed, 4 of us merging e-fields got a better view …

Middletown – itchy & scratchy, the “biting thing” in the closet …

Meriden – EB annoying a child …

Middletown – the bedroom chaos, and the people with energy draining attachments …

Meriden – the baby knocked out of its stable seat, and the woodland entity …

Battlefield, helping EBs move on, led by Michael …

Avon – human rituals left a bad feel to the place …