Ghost attacking girl, She won’t stay at home, urgent
Portland CT, I get a call asking me to call a mother, she needs help, I say I can call her back in 2+ hours, can I do it sooner, I’m asked. Her daughter was attacked and won’t stay at the home, so we set something up. Called one of my colleagues Lia but no reply, off to investigate. Daughter not there, she’s crucial to this. Clean up “negative” energies in the house, find a Vortex too! No ghost around (figure he’s following the girl). Daughter on her way, on arrival check out her chakras and aura, pull out the three hooks this ghost has in her. Mom fascinated, I’m explaining what I’m doing. Up to the daughter’s room, I’d avoided that room until I could get permission from the daughter. Eerie feelings in that room, and the ghost arrives, watching. I walk into the ghost, sharing my energy, my body, and I tell Mom and daughter about the ghost. He’s selfish, patriachal, learned it from his dad. Only uses the girl for food, has been twisting her mind so that she feels worthless, no self-esteem, and will be thrown away after drained. Daughter shocked but nods in agreement. I open up my heart so he can feel what others feel and he really doesn’t like it, wants me to stop, can’t stop me, he can’t leave. His mother appears, since moved on, to assist with his emotions. He can’t stop feeling now and experiences regret, ashamed, I’m relentless. His mother says to move on, he can work on this “up there” and in a new life, he agrees, but hangs on to me. We’re surround by higher spirits, filling the space with love, some of which enters him, and slowly, slowly he detaches from me and they all slide up and are gone. Intense.
The client called the next day to thank me, her daughter had the deepest sleep in many months and she’d said she was the only one inside her now.
How wonderful Paul, that people can reach out to you for help in the ghost relm.
The confidence and bravery you have is very impressive and loving.
Thank you for calling to invite me along on this mission. I was alsleep in my own interesting dream world. It was amazing to hear how it turned out! What a relief for everyone involved.
I look forward to helping document “Ghost Scenes”