On May 19th Saturday, from 1 – 3 pm, at A New Page, 1060 Newfield St. Middletown CT I’ll be giving a presentation on my ghost work experiences. Questions welcomed. $5 to cover cost of using the Dome.
A follow-up class was scheduled, but cancelled due to a lack of people signing up, for 5 Saturdays, starting June 2nd, 9th and 16th then a gap skipping the 23rd, on again for June 30th, skipping the July 4th weekend, final class on July 14th, a course on Helping Ghosts Move On.
The class will prepare you to ground and center, shield yourself then interact more clearly with ghosts, then to help them move on (up). You’ll also learn how to energetically clear the scene, check the client and those living at that address for energetic holes and to seal them, removing any attachments.
Following the classes, students will be invited to practice at real scenes, to demonstrate they have successfully learned and actually moved ghost or ghosts on. Such practice will depend on when calls come in for ghost work.
Cost $150, attendance at all classes is required. Be warned, the last group of students all said the course was intensive.
Glad to see you have everything up on your site for the classes at ANP. I have it posted in Events on ANP FB page.