The bean @ 226, Windsor

Mary-Ellen invited me and some other psychically adept friends to a Tea and Tarot event at this coffee shop in Windsor. The address is 226 Broad St. Windsor, their phone # 860-808-4411. She was kept busy doing readings all night so I didn’t get to chat with her. One of the ladies was acting as host along with one of the staff working the evening.

Chatting away, enjoying the good food and company, plus the tea of course, when the host took me aside to ask if I had sensed anything there. I don’t usually when my focus is on other things or people, so the host gave me a little background and I offered to check it out. Some of the nearest people wanted me to join them but I said I had ghost work to do, which didn’t faze them at all.

The people living upstairs in the apartment were both being attacked by what I felt to be animated energies, so I englobed those energies and took them away. Stuck energies filled the rest of that space so I cleared that too. I don’t usually get much information on who created them, it could easily have been earlier residents, as the energies are usually attacking and hungry, so defense comes first then I gather them up and take them away.

Downstairs where we sat was clear except for whatever was beyond Mary-Ellen in her work area. I asked the host if I could go to the back of the building and she said it was ok and that the business owners were ok with having such work done there.

The kitchen was clear but as soon as I started down into the basement the energies were thick. I cleared the steps and looked into the basement area. Four ghosts looked back at me. All were from Underground Railway times, and were still hiding there! I did not approach, a white man finding them could be a problem, so I created a loving energy and spread it throughout the basement and waited for it to take effect. The ghosts didn’t scatter but still were cautious. I hadn’t moved. I asked for some Guides or angels to come down and work with these ghosts and four looking just like the ghosts did come down so they were in good hands.

Behind the oil tank I felt two more ghosts, a young boy approached and we talked and I was able to take him up to Heaven and hand him off. A younger girl ghost now came forward having watched us, and she felt ok going up with me too.

There was still something there. Another male, this one not trusting at all. I managed to get him up to see Heaven but he bailed immediately, so I went back to the basement. Different tactic. I told him I was going, he could make his own way up, and I headed up the stairs … pausing near the top, he was down below, unsure what to do. I suggested he talk with someone, at a neutral place, and he went with that, still not trusting me. We arrived somewhere, in the open, and a Guide approached then stopped. Did nothing. The ghost needed to evaluate this stranger first. A few words were exchanged. I got the sense this Guide knew what he was doing and didn’t need me, the ghost now had all his attention on the stranger, I was forgotten, and I left.

Nice place, I’m going back for coffee and cake to chat with the host another day.