Tina, a ghost client, friend, and host to a ghost walk at a nearby park (Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park Wallingford Ct on 5/3/2020), sent me a text and 12 pictures, she’d parked her kayak and was drawn to this place. All that remained was a stone chimney, the base of a wall, a few other stone components of the house, buried in the woods.
Thanks to Crystal urging me to do remote work, I had to try. No idea where the place is, so I reopened my connection with Tina, travelled down her time-line to when she touched this place and then connected to it. I found one ghost. He needed healing, there was multiple types of pain in the left chest and spine.
While working on healing him, we talked, he’s French-Canadian, and he smoked, and chewed tobacco. He was focused on the pain, answered my few questions, and wondered what was happening and who was I?
He had lung cancer, it had spread to his spine, also down his throat, the nerves in those area affected too, for multiple pains. He’d died, and been preoccupied by the pains ever since.
One of his friends, a higher spirit showed up, I finished working on healing him while they talked, and I told him to follow his guide who would take him to Heaven.
Texting Tina to let her know, she replied “That would explain why I got so short of breath”, she also added how friendly he was, and I agreed, it was pleasant working with him, no issues, only the pain.