Ancient Burial Grounds in Hartford

Only Michelle, Crystal and I showed up, the weather had forecast rain, but it stayed dry, until afterwards when we had coffee. This is the first burial ground in Hartford, and has about 6,000 people buried here, including over 300 African-American and Native Americans. My primary interest was to find the burial site of ‘Doctor’ Old Robin, a Wangunk tribe member, the ghosts I’d deal with later.

I couldn’t find his site, I asked Crystal to ask any ghosts for where his burial site is located but was only able to get a general location ‘over there’ and didn’t find it.

Michelle handled all the ghost work. Nicely done. I found a memorial to all the African-Americans buried there, in unmarked graves, and felt a huge emotional wall from people that had been put down, diminished and disregarded, so worked on that. Too much to do, I’ll do some remote work to continue this.

Crystal took some videos for her website spirithealersofnewengland.

Here’s Michelle’s notes:

Today’s adventure was with Crystal, Paul and Michelle. This cemetery has some real history, including a memorial to the founders of Hartford (One of Michelle’s ancestors, Richard Lyman, is on the monument). Upon inspection of the cemetery, the real activity was in the back, where Michelle moved on a few men, and an 11 year old boy that had drowned. Paul felt drawn to spend some time at the memorial for the African Americans who were in unmarked graves, and most only had a first name, in order to do some healing. Michelle found a brochure that spoke about the many individuals at the cemetery who either persecuted witches or were accused of being a witch. Michelle then did a healing of those souls involved to help them move forward. An energy healing of the land was also needed, as the cemetery was used by many homeless abusing the property. A short trip but well worth it.

We headed out for coffee and snack at Story and Soil Coffee, at 387 Capitol Ave. It was all delicious. We chatted until it started to rain, talking about our next outing for ghost work amongst other topics.