Priscilla and Marian had felt a need to return to Hockomock Swamp, so we’re back. No mosquitos this time. We wore orange hats plus in case there were hunters out shooting. We crossed Skim Milk Bridge and Priscilla felt it first, from that point on we were touching trees to better sense the ground and what had happened there. First tree, a feeling of emotional pain for those (Native Americans) that didn’t make it back. The beginning of a sense that the white man wouldn’t go in this far, but bullets could reach them still. Tree two, more sadness of those who arrived back but their injuries were too great. The next tree a sadness that this was their land but the white man was taking it away. The fourth tree a sense of family, together again. We wandered more, but there was a sense of peacefulness and we were welcomed to be with them. Leaving the area made us a little sad.
A nice dinner and out again, to Taunton State Hospital, a psych facility taking up a lot of space, many buildings, still active. If you research the place, all sorts of bad things happened to the patients, so typical of such facilities. One ghost was that of a 28 year old woman who had been placed there by family because they found her to be difficult, and she had stayed there until she died, Not psych, her life had felt wasted. A group of ghosts came up to me while I was in a corner, trying to be out of sight, watering the ground. They were unperturbed. I used Michael’s technique and up they went. We wandered, moving on more ghosts as we came across them, until one of the staff there quizzed what we were doing, and he escorted us out of the facility.
A good night’s sleep then off to the Freetown-Fall River, but to a different section, that of Ledge Rock, where we moved first a male who had died there then the woman in white who was waiting for her guy to show up.
We headed out for lunch, an average place, not worth going there again, but we found out why we had needed to eat there, just minutes away walking is the Lizzie Borden house and the Lizzie Coffee Shop next door. We entered the gift store where the one staff gave a hard sell spiel pushing us to do the increased cost of a tour, a business had bought the house a couple of years back and converted it into all commercialism. Not impressed, I soon walked out to wander around the house, called for Lizzie to join me, and she came, overlapping with me, and I felt her shock and confusion, not knowing what had happened, no sense of doing harm yet deeply affected and not sure of what happened. I took her up and she was met by someone she recognized. I hung around waiting to see what would happen next but was abruptly kicked out and back down on Earth.
Coffee time, if I’d been at home it would be Klekolo, but the place was friendly, two young staff, chatty, and we found out there was something spooky in the basement. While Priscilla continued the conversations I did my thing, sensing two ghosts below, a mother and child, the mother was selfish, so I worked through most of her issues until the child could be included, then I held hand with them and started to take them up, we were joined by two Higher Spirits holding the free hands, a little while later the ghosts let go of my hands and went on ahead with the Higher Spirits.
We worked with Marian to help her increase her skills, which she did, and she identified one of the blocks, a very common one, and we practiced our energy sensing skills on each other, all gaining insights. Another intense and satisfying exploration of the Bridgewater Triangle. December 9, 2023 (WordPress/GoDaddy dropped the website)