Lots of SHONE members showed up for this one, Michael and I were there first then all the texts came in, stuck in traffic, I’d seen the car when it was only smoke coming out of it, nothing I could do, both people out and one on a phone, calling 911. So Michael and I caught up on our news. Nice day, we stayed in the shade.
A neat place to visit, check out their website for details, https://portal.ct.gov/ECD-OldNewGate, in 1705 started as a Copper Mine, from 1773 on used as a prison until 1827, people died there, fires, riots, prison breaks. Like all underground places, it’s cold, 52 F, some places wet underfoot, low ceiling at times so wear good footwear and a hat and bring a jacket.
The State of CT was letting in Connecticut residents for free, nice, so it didn’t cost us, a five minute wait then we were taken down the mine for a guided tour. There had been one ‘ghost group’ down there, the guide told us, but a generic ghost hunting group, they didn’t move the ghosts on.
As an aside, I had done caving down ‘real’ caves, as well as show caves, in Britain and America, so I felt at home doing this, plus the importance of wiping my boots clean afterwards to limit white nose disease which affects bats, this place closes for winter to protect the bats that move back in.
But you’re here to read about ghosts. Michael found lots, Michelle sensed lots, so I was free to work on the traumatic energies, until Michael told me to grab the ghost, a male, who had died by falling down a shaft into the well. I worked on healing him and moving him up while trailing along at the back of the group. The guide was very informative, but my intentions were to help ghosts and clean out the energy so I couldn’t listen fully, I want to go back, really liked the place, now that the ghosts were all moved on. You knew that was going to happen, if you’ve been reading these posts.
Our guide pointed out initials carved in the stone, so as the group moved on, I placed my fingers on the etchings to get a picture of the person, maybe I’ll do some research, as there were two prisoners with those initials so they don’t know which one it was.
Michael gathered up ghosts as we passed and moved them on when we were back on the surface. Lots of buildings to explore, traumatic and intense energies to process and clear. In one area we all started to talk about injustices with the prison system and police treatment of mentally challenged people, motivated I’m sure by the original energies there, these prisoners kept underground at night, the temperature 52 F, in the pitch dark, often wet as well as cold, filthy conditions, along with fleas, lice and bedbugs.
We chatted with our guide after leaving the underground area, let her know what we were doing, gave her my ‘business’ card for ghostsbegone, She’d already noticed our SHONE t-shirts, so knew we were interested in ghosts, and suggested she join the Facebook SHONE group to read about our trip there.
Here’s Michelle’s report: Hi all. Michelle here from the SHONE group. Paul arranged this trip to Newgate, hearing the many rumors about the energy, and it did not disappoint. Driving down Newgate Rd gave me a stomach ache. We got a tour of the mine, and right at the entrance, there was an abundance of spirit calling out for help. I called in Archangel Michael for assistance as I had to help them during a tour, which was distracting. The energy felt better until I reached where a man named William carved his initial into the stone. Michael was able to move him on. We then went to the guard house, and I found a female spirit who I believe was the cook. Weslie found a young black male who followed us, and I moved both of them on. I then felt some intense residual energy upstairs in a piece of the original wall, which Paul transformed. In the church area, I found a wounded man who I moved on pretty quickly. I then went in the church walls that are left, and felt intense negative energy that needed transforming, which Paul and I accomplished. Michael moved on a few more spirits. A great time was had by all.