The Body Code – self help to remove entities

I used The Emotion Code (a subset of The Body Code) some years back, liked it, lost the paperwork on it and recently got reminded (thank you Irene) and bought the book. There’s even an app for your phone, which the author claims covers more possibilities than the book.

The central basis of the book is that your subconscious knows everything about your health, or lack of it AND can point you in the right direction to fix issues AND it can just be resolved by running a magnet over a specific meridian on your body.

So how does this relate to ghost work?

One of the stressors is ENTITIES. Disembodied or Unembodied. Mentioned on pages 133-140, but you need to read (an easy read) the instructions first, as your situation could have multiple components.

Check it out, The Body Code, by Dr. Bradley Nelson.

And you just may fix other medical issues, chronic or acute, it’s all about healing.

It’s not just ghosts, we help them move on, but we also help the people affected, and the locations which may have trapped energies. One more tool in out skillset.