I stayed at my sister’s place, The Clytha Arms, in Abergavenny, accompanied by one of the new ghost workers Deb. They have 3 rooms to stay in and the food is excellent, cooked by a chef, Andrew, my brother-in-law. There’s lots to see in Britain, history is everywhere, as is ghosts and stuck energy etc.
We went to the town of Monmouth, there’s a castle there and I found one ghost there, named Emrhys. We chatted a little, I asked him what year it was, over 700 years ago! I also asked him about what he was seeing, he still sees the castle as it was, moves about as if it is still there. The castle was built between 1067-71 by William fitz Osbern, but its most famous moment in history came in 1387 (the exact date is uncertain), when the future Henry V was born here. A 12th-century tower and 13th-century great hall are the best surviving features, in addition to short sections of the castle walls. You can find more about it at
Monmouth Castle | History & Visiting Information

Britain Express https://www.britainexpress.com › Wales › Gwent › Castles
Back to Emrhys, he didn’t have any company there and joined me in ascending to Heaven, no issues.
At Raglan Castle, closer to Clytha, there was some stuck energy, no ghosts, so I cleared that up.
In Cardiff, the capitol of Wales, across from Cardiff Castle is a tourist store (Castle Welsh Crafts) I always go to, lots of neat stuff including Lovespoons.
Find out more at https://www.castlewelshcrafts.co.uk/love-spoons
I asked about lovespoons, if any had ghosts as part of their shape, the staff member looked shocked, as ghosts are not associated with love, but I explained about what I do, helping ghosts to move on is an act of love, and asked if she could contact the makers and ask if custom lovespoons could be made, I’d have them shipped over to me in the USA and give to the ghost workers at Xmas.
She was interested in what I do, she asked if there was any ghost attached to her, there wasn’t, but she did have some darkness in her aura, which I related to her the details and helped clear it. Then a little palm-reading, but couldn’t spend much time as Deb wanted to tour the Castle and I’m her tour guide. I left my information with her, hope to hear something about the Lovespoons.
Not in Wales, we visited an Earth Chakra site – Glastonbury Tor. It connects to the Third Eye chakra. It feels like an open elevator lifting me up to Heaven. No ghosts but lots of history going back thousands of years. It hosts a Folk Festival, and the town is a delight, fascinating stores and restaurants.